Overland Park, KS 66223


J&S Structural Engineers, P.A. was formed in fall 2007. 

J&S Structural Engineers, P.A. is a small firm with large firm experience. Our goal is to bring our extensive knowledge of structural engineering to your projects in a cost conscious and straightforward approach. J&S Structural Engineers, P.A has over 29 combined years of structural engineering experience with many different materials including steel, precast concrete, cast in place concrete, wood, masonry and cold-formed metal framing

J & S Structural Engineers, P.A. works closely with building design teams typically led by an architect or construction manager to provide professional structural engineering services from the conceptual design phase through the construction phase for building projects. J & S Structural Engineers, P.A. can also provide construction engineering services, forensic/condition surveys and peer reviews for contractors, installers and suppliers. 

Owner, Kim Jones left behind the atmosphere of a large, full service A/E firm to have a more active role in not only deciding what projects to pursue but also to have a more direct role in the day to day design decisions on those projects. We feel we can provide valuable insight during the early stages of a project by interjecting structural options. We pride ourselves in working closely with the designers to develop creative and safe structures that incorporate the desired vision of the final product. We are also experienced in AutoCAD and Revit for our construction document production.